The A-Pa Snowfield


Oil on canvas

80 x 101 cm

Signed lower left Luo Zhong Li in English, Luo in Chinese and dated 1990

750,000 - 950,000
24,200 - 30,700
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2005


LUO Zhongli (Chinese, b. 1948)

The A-Pa Snowfield

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Mainland China Fine Arts Collection I: Luo Zhong Li, Artist Publishing, Taipei, 1992, color illustration, no. 54, p. 100; black-and-white illustration, p. 193

Catalogue Note:

Real Value Orientation of Luo Zhongli's Art

...Artistic realism is always an issue worth discussion. Luo Zhongli's realism is absolutely not of subjective consciousness covering an artist's failure and lack of spirit. Like a hothouse of lazy spirit, realism of subjective consciousness makes people hesitate to normally criticize a domineering artist and his work. The realism reveals existence but not gives a demonstration. Artists?brains link some great issues on human's life and death or the universe, thus their works appear pale and dull. Of course, Luo's realism doesn't present a gaudy sort of aestheticism that flatters people and becomes vulgar merchandises. It is not by far political propaganda.... Actually, Luo's realism just concerns society and history, not utilizing rationality, literature or propaganda to approach, but put with his motion, humanity and life experience to feel. It's an ascetic experience whose process requires a very long and arduous time. Many artists shrink back at the sight and are unwilling to pay costs. As people know, there's a fine line between genius and mediocrity. Luo and his art embody this principle.

An extract quoted from Fei Xinpei, 'A Mirror of Chinese Society and History: On Luo Zhongli's Art' Mainland China Fine Arts Collection 1: Luo Zhong-Li, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1992, pp. 36-37