HSU Yin-ling

Taiwanese 1987

Born in Pingtung Taiwan, Hsu obtained her M.F.A. from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2013. She records the reality with her painting, displaying the delicate moment of life. Hsu thinks that the creation is the best way to face our mind and discover the humanity. She uses the concrete objet to construct the surrealistic ambience. Hsu lives and creates in both Taipei and Hong Kong, participating different art projects and international art fairs, her works is collected by National Taiwan Museum of Fines Arts.

Selected exhibitions:
2016 “The Beast of Bengtsfors”, Formosa 101 Art Fair, Taipei
2015 “All Happy Returns”, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong
2014 “Dr. Sleep”, Project Fulfill Arts Space, Taipei
2012 “Gourmet Drama”, Project Fulfill Arts Space, Taipei
2010 “SHOT SHOT”, MOT Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 “At Last We Arrived”, Eslite Art Studio, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 “The Breast Stroke”, Gallery gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

HSU Yin-ling Artworks
The Place I am Born Next Time III
Oil on canvas
41 x 32 cm
40,000 - 60,000
10,000 - 15,000
1,300 - 2,000
Sold Price