WEI Guangqing

Chinese 1963

Born in Huangshi, Hubei, Wei graduated from the department of oil painting in China Academy of Art. He currently is the associate director and associate professor of the department of oil painting in Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, the director of the Hubei oil painting club, and the commissioner of the Hubei Art Association Oil Painting Commission. His works had participated in the "Playing no cards with Cezanne" (United States), "The First Guangzhou Biannual Art Exhibition" (Won the academy award), "The China" exhibition (Germany, Austria, Denmark, Poland, Singapore), "Global Concept Theory" exhibition (United States), "The First Guangzhou Tri Annual Art Exhibition" and many other exhibitions. His works have been nominated in "The Third China Oil Painting Masterpieces Exhibition" and won "The Second Hubei Oil Painting Exhibition" arts award.

WEI Guangqing Artworks
Thirty-Six Stratagems No. 26
Acrylic on canvas
120 x 150 cm
620,000 - 720,000
148,000 - 172,000
19,000 - 22,100
Sold Price