LIN Chih-chu

Taiwanese 1917 - 2008

Born in Taichung County. Lin went studying in Japan in 1928. He graduated from the Imperial Fine Arts School in Tokyo in 1939. Excelling in the use of gouache and minerals, Lin acquired the 1st prize consecutively in the 5th and 6th Taiwan Art Exhibition. His works have been selected many times in the Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiyang Fine Arts Exhibition and Lin serves as judge as well. Lin's art was praised as one of the most important Glue-Pigment Painters succeeding the Three Youths of the Taiwan Exhibition. Since 1946, he had served as a teacher at Taichung Normal College and occupied as an adjudicator of Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition for 36 years. In 1982, Lin gave a name of "Glue-Pigment Painting" instead of "Japanese Painting," and organized the Taiwan Glue-Pigment Painting Association in order to help forward its development. Lin has been modest and amiable and showed much favor to the follower and bird subjects since his middle age.

LIN Chih-chu Artworks
Glue-pigment on paper
38.3 x 45.5 cm
760,000 - 850,000
22,000 - 24,700
Sold Price